Technical guide - Design and execution of earthworks
Section 2: organization of checks
The purpose of the guide to “Design and execution of earthworks”is to assist and advise the Construction Manager in the course of theproject up to execution of earthworks. It consists of 3 independent fascicules:
• fascicule 1: studies and execution of work;
• fascicule 2: organization of checks;
• fascicule 3: test methods.
This section 2, "Organization of checks", presents actions to betaken to check and inspect works during their execution.
The purpose of the guide to “Design and execution of earthworks”is to assist and advise the Construction Manager in the course of theproject up to execution of earthworks. It consists of 3 independent fascicules:
• fascicule 1: studies and execution of work;
• fascicule 2: organization of checks;
• fascicule 3: test methods.
This section 2, "Organization of checks", presents actions to betaken to check and inspect works during their execution.
It definesthe place of checks in the quality control system applied toearthworks and notes the main technical rules and regulations forthe execution of works as well as the related checks andinspections, the means and resources for carrying them out.