Road noise prediction
2 - -Noise propagation computation method including meteorolgical effects(NMPB 2008)
The NMPB-Roads-2008 is the French road noise prediction method leading on from the NMPB-Roads-1996. It is designed for both road project impact studies and for noise mapping in application of Directive 2002/49/EC.
This document is intended for both users (design offices, State departments) and software program publishers.
The NMPB-Roads-2008 is the French road noise prediction method leading on from the NMPB-Roads-1996. It is designed for both road project impact studies and for noise mapping in application of Directive 2002/49/EC.
This document is intended for both users (design offices, State departments) and software program publishers. It specifies the breakdown of a linear infrastructure into point sources, the micrometeorological characterisation of a site, the search for elementary trajectories and the calculation of the attenuation in an elementary trajectory. The probabilities of occurrence of favourable conditions are tabulated for 41 stations spread across France.
- Introduction
- Definitions and notations
- Method overview
- Description of the source
- Taking the micrometeorology into account
- Propagation analysis
- Calculations in an elementary path
- Bibliography
A- Calculation method flow chart
B- Occurrence values and maps of downward-refraction conditions for France
C- Meteorology and sound propagation
D- Meteorological analysis of an acoustic situation
E- Geometric aspects
F- Dealing with special elements
G- Validation elements
H- Description of the sites of the experimental campaigns
I- Sample NMPB-Roads-2008 applications
J- From the NMPB-Roads-96 to the NMPB-Roads-2008