

Sheets n° 5 - 9- 35


Regulations for road signage now give local authorities, when they consider it possible, tools to allow cyclists not to come to a stop at an intersection with lights before continuing in a specified direction. This decision comes under the police powers of the mayor. This fact sheet aims to explain this system and provide information about how to use it.

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SHEET no. 05 : Regulations for road signage now give local authorities, when they consider it possible, tools to allow cyclists not to come to a stop at an intersection with lights before continuing in a specified direction. This decision comes under the police powers of the mayor. This fact sheet aims to explain this system and provide information about how to use it.

SHEET N° 9 : One of the ways of offering a diversified, attractive alternative to car travel is to develop cycling, walking and public transport in a cohesive system, where each element complements the others. This will contribute to improving the quality of life and public health in towns and cities by reducing pollution and noise, increasing the available space (including space for parking) and offering equality of access to mobility. Combating climate change and the necessity of reducing greenhouse gas emissions also mean that journeys using these forms of travel need to be better organised. The legislative framework in France in recent years has confirmed the significance of these issues, with the LOTI (1982), Laure (1996), SRU (2000) and Grenelle (2009) laws strengthening the obligation to develop the use of these modes of transport.

Sheet 5:Cycles and give-way at the red light
Réf. Cerema
Cerema (ex-Certu)
Auteur collectif
Date de parution
Langue de la publication
Type d'auteur
Oeuvre collective

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Sheet 5:Cycles and give-way at the red light
Réf. Cerema
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Sheet 9:Cycling and public transport
Réf. Cerema
0,00 €
Sheet 35:Cycling networks with a High Level of Service
Réf. Cerema
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