Dans le champ de l'insertion urbaine des transports collectifs, le Cerema contribue à des actions en réseau, tel que le comité "Light Rail Transit" du Transportation Research Board (TRB), ou le réseau informel Urban Tram Forum. Ses experts participent à des conférences internationales, à l'accueil de délégations étrangères et à des voyages d'études et missions, avec le double objectif de promouvoir le savoir faire français et de s'enrichir des retours d'expérience étrangers.
Regarding urban insertion of public transport systems, Cerema contributes to networking actions, such as the "Light Rail Transit" committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), or the Urban Tram Forum informal network. His experts participates in international conferences, hosting of foreign delegations and study tours, aiming at both promotion of French know-how and worldwide feedbacks

Urban Tram Forum (UTF)
At the end of the COST Action TU1103 dedicated to safety of tramways in interaction with public space, a few members decided to go on sharing experiences and ideas about this topic... The Urban Tram Forum was born !
Our first goal is to maintain contacts through annual meetings !
Beyond TU1103 historical members, PT authorities, tram Operators, designers and researchers dealing with tram urban insertion issues from everywhere were welcome !!
Meetings have already been held in Lisbon (2023), Paris (2022), videoconferences (2021, 2020), Bussels (2019), Dublin (2018), Lyon / St-Etienne (2017) and in Lyon (2016).
The next meeting will be set up in Basel on October 17 and 18, 2024.

Transportation Research Board
Cerema's involvement in Transportation Research Board (TRB) activities began in 2012 as Dominique BERTRAND was invited to speak in a special session of the 12th "Light Rail" conference co-sponsored by TRB and APTA (the American Public Transport Association).
This session was dedicated to the renewal of tramways in France, so called "the French nouveau tram" in North America.
D.Bertrand joined the TRB "Light Rail Transit" committee during next year. Since the 93th TRB annual meeting in January 2014, he has been regularly taking part in activities since, through meetings, papers reviewing and presentations in conferences.
As he retires in october 2019, he is going to be replaced by Christian Sautel in the committee.

Other activities
Beyond networking activities in TRB or UTF, Cerema's experts contribute to promote the French know-how regarding urban insertion of public transport by hosting foreign delegations, speaking in international conferences or training sessions.
They can also be involved in research or benchmark projects, operational studies or foreign aid actions.

Reports, presentations and other publications, events related webpages, ...
- Cerema’s publications
- Various articles (from UTF / tu1103 partners)
- APTA publications
- TRB E-circulars

TU1103 COST Action
Operation and safety of tramways in interaction with public space
- General information about the TU1103 Action
- TU1103 deliverables
- Events