Various articles (from UTF / tu1103 partners)

by D.Walmsley in "Rail Professional", upon the conference of the Light Rail Transit Association held in Edinburgh, April 2018

APTA publications

APTA standards development program - March 2012 - recommended by C.Gaivoto

TRB E-circulars

papers published upon the 13Th national LRT conference held by APTA & TRB In Minneapolis (November 2015).

Among these papers, one is directly related to our former COST Action :

  • Safety Management in European LRT Systems
    Some Tools for Collecting and Using Accident Data
    (authors : D.Bertrand / L.Fontaine)

Some others were presented by some of tu1103 partners :

  • LRT Safety in France - How Are Pedestrians Involved? (author : M.Millot)
  • Inserting Streetcars into Pedestrian Areas - French Examples (author : D.Bertrand)
  • Getting a Safer LRT Through a Better Design of its Insertion in Public Space (authors : M.Novales & M.Teixeira)

and many other papers related to urban inserttion and/or safety of LRT systems !