12 & 13th October, 2023 Meeting in Lisbon

16 & 17th June, 2022 Meeting in Paris

30th November, 2021 Web-conference (due to covid’s influence)

28th September, 2020 Web-conference (due to covid’s influence)

2019 meeting (Brussels) - 10-12 September

work session in Marconi depot

Our meeting was hosted in Brussels by STIB ("Société des transports intercommunaux de Bruxelles"), thanks to Amal Kammachi.

Many thanks and congratulations to her and STIB staff for their warm welcome and the organisation ...


After a get together lunch in a restaurant downtown, we reached the STIB depot in Ixelles for a first workshop session on Tuesday 10 afternoon. On Wednesday 11 morning a second workshop was held in Marconi depot, and followed after lunch by a technical visit on line 7. A last workshop took place on Thursday 12 morning in Haren Depot. The meeting ended in the afternoon by a vist of the Brussels tram museum.


21 members from 12 countries did take part in this fourth session of the Urban Tram Forum. Among them, we hosted 5 new participants (see list below).

UTF Folks*

  • Amal Kammachi - STIB - Belgium
  • Andreas Berk - BVB - Switzerland
  • Anna Chang - Loughborough Ubiv. - United Kingdom
  • Anthony Loui - Metro Los Angeles - USA
  • Axel Kuehn - consultant - Germany
  • Christian Sautel - Cerema - France
  • David Walmsley - UK Tram (retrired) - United Kingdom
  • David Zaidel - consultant (retired) - Israel
  • Dominique Bertrand - Cerema - France
  • Franck Monti - Cerema - France
  • Graham Fairhurst - consultant (retired) - United Kingdom
  • Laetitia Fontaine - BEA-TT - France
  • Lars Forsting - Metro Copenhagen - Denmark
  • Liz Parkes - NYMR - Unted Kingdom
  • Margarita Novales - A Coruna Univ. - Spain
  • Nicolas Speisser - Cerema - France
  • Niels van Oort - TU Delft - Netherlands
  • Perceval Gailliard - STRMTG - France
  • Reddy Morley - TII - Ireland
  • Robert Jan Roos - Arcadis NL - Netherlands
  • Tony Young - consultant (retired) - United Kingdom

* Apologies from Camille Estienne (Keolis, France), Carlos Gaivoto (Carris, Portugal), Dominique Schmitt (Transamo, France), Klara Macsinka (St Izvan Univ., Hungary), Michael Rosenberger (Germany).

Local hosts and guides

  • Alain Van San, Jean Louis Mouttet, Jean-Marc Vandrooghenbroeck, Raf Van Genechten, Tom Bouckaert (STIB), Françoise Godart (Brussels mobility)


On the agenda

See minutes for details...

  • The STIB/MIVB system and network (T. Bouckaert, STIB)

Pedestrians vs tramways issues
  • Pedestrians vs tramways accidents: current issues and expected solutions (C. Sautel, Cerema)

  • On-going work after a fatal pedestrian accident on LUAS network (R. Morley, TII)
  • On-going Luas safety work/studies/assessments (R. Morley, TII)
Catenary free light rail
  • Battery power supply (A. Chang, Loughborough University)

Tramways systems and projects
  • Light rail on ring 3 in Copenhagen (L. Forsting, Metro Copenhagen)

  • Basel Transport Association (A. Berk, BVB)

  • Light Rail Transit systems - Lessons in 61 sustainable urban development (N. Van Oort, TU Delft)

Technical visit : tour on line 7
Accidents investigation
  • BEA-TT on-going investigation: collision between two trams in Paris (L. Fontaine, BEA-TT)

Safety management
  • UK risk management maturity model – RM3 from ORR (G. Fairhurst)

  • Light rail safety and sustainability (L. Parkes, North Yorkshire Moors Railway)

Minutes of the meeting

2018 meeting (Dublin) - 28-29 November

Dublin LUAS tramline


Our meeting was hosted in Dublin by Transport Infrastructure Ireland, thanks to Reddy Morley.

Many thanks and congratulations to Reddy Morley and TII staff for the perfect organisation...

We started our meeting wednesday 28, at 10.00 am with a welcome by Mr Nolan, CEO of Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

After a first workshop session in the morning and a lunch, a technical visit led us on the LUAS network during the afternoon. Unfortunately the weather was not so good, so that the tour was a little bit shortened.

On the second day (29), we had a large half-a-day session, in order to allow people to get back in the afternoon if they needed.

List of attendees


Here are the presentations (when the author agreed to let it published)





2017 meeting (Lyon / St-Etienne, November 2017)

StEtienne tramway

Our second meeting took place on 9 and 10 November in Lyon and Saint Etienne (France).

After a get together lunch in Part Dieu neighbourhood, we held a first technical workshop on Thursday afternoon in Lyon administrative center ; then we discussed about various safeti issues adnd layouts design related to tramways.

On Friday morning we were kindly hosted by Gilles Fily (St Etienne Métropole, PT authority) and Rémi Delpierre (STAS, PT operator) in STEM office for a presentation and a visit of the local tram network.

Back to Lyon by train, we had a second workshop in Cerema TV’s building to gon on sharing around some more presentations.

Agenda and related docs


1st workshop - 9 November 2017

Cycles and trams

Presentation of tables on cyclists’ risks around a tram line. Work led in France completes the COST report and could be enriched by feedback from other members (Marine Millot - Cerema)

Tram-cycles accidentology from STRMTG database with global analysis and heavy accidents presentation (to identify risky configurations) (Perceval Gailliard et Laetitia Fontaine - STRMTG)


Technical visit of St-Etienne network - 10 November 2017


2nd workshop - 10 November 2017

STIB videos to increase awareness broadcasted internally after accidents they have faced (Amal Kammachi - STIB) - no file

Debate on the interactions between pedestrians and trams (and more precisely behaviour of pedestrians) (Dominique Bertrand - Cerema) - no file

2016 meeting (Lyon, November 2016)

The UTF group in Lyon (new bridge on T1 line)

The first session of Urban Tram Forum was prepared  by STRMTG and Cerema, and set up in Lyon on November 2016. Workings sessions took place in Cerema's office in Lyon, and a technical visit led on the local tram network by its operator (Keolis Lyon), with the authorization of Sytral, the public transport authority.

Attendees and agenda : see minutes

Here are the presentations made by some participants (when publication is allowed) !