Development of operation daybooks
Methodological guide
This document is a methodological guide the objective of which is to help road network managers carry out an efficient approach for implementing a daybook in their unit.
This document is a methodological guide the objective of which is to help road network managers carry out an efficient
approach for implementing a daybook in their unit.
It mentions the issues of the daybook (with particular development on the legal issues) and the targets concerned.
It defines what a daybook is and the elements that it must contain.
It reveals the design approach according to the user service and operation objectives.
It recommends vocabulary and provides a few examples of daybooks.
Finally, it provides a few examples on the use of daybooks and present
a ranges of useable practical means.
The context
- Issues
- The targets
The daybook
- Definition
- Format and content
- Daybook and organization
- Daybook and level of service
The daybook development principles
The definition process
- The design assistance table
- The production assistance table
Standard daybooks
The accompanying document
Using daybooks
The tools
- "Drawer" daybook
- New technologies
Appendix 1: Legal context
- The administrative liability process
- The criminal process
- Case law of the administrative courts regarding the format of the daybook
Appendix 2: Examples of use
- Example 1: Extract from the General Operation Project (PGE) of the District-level Offices for Infrastructure (DDE) in Morbihan
- Example 2: Application of the District-level Offices for Infrastructure (DDE) in Loire-Atlantic
Appendix 3: Illustration of a "drawer" daybook
Appendix 4: Multi-purpose input sheet with communications follow-up (model)
Appendix 5: New technologies
- Telephone transcription.
- GPS locator telephone
- Digital dictaphone
- Photo-phone
- Handheld computer
- Internet messaging
- Saving messages
- Desk applications and telephone
Logos, acronyms and symbols