A number of ways to cooperate have emerged over the years, and are still in place today. These partnerships take a variety of forms: joint studies and methodologies, collaborative projects, joint funding, bringing in experts from other establishments or forming joint teams... to name but a few.
Our Main Regional Partners

Association of French Mayors

French National Association of Local Authorities

French National Association of Departmental Authorities

Association of French Regions

Association of French Towns & Cities

French Association of Rural French Mayors

France Urbaine – metropolitan areas, conurbations, and major cities

French National Association of Coastal Elected Representatives

French National Association of Mountain Region Elected Representatives

Caisse des Dépôts - public sector finance

French Association of Regional Development Engineers

French Association of Regional Development Technicians

French Association of Technical Directors of Metropolitan Areas, Departments, and Regions

Agence France Locale
Main Partner Associations

National Federation of Urban Development Agencies

National Federation of Public Transport Associations

France Nature Environnement

Association of French Transport Authorities

National Federation of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Councils

French Highways Operator Association

National Federation of Intercommunity Planning & Development Bodies (SCoT)

Federation of French Regional Natural Parks

Foundation of heritage
Main Scientific and Technical Partners

French Agency for the Ecological Transition

French Biodiversity Agency

French Development Agency

French Agency for Quality Construction

Bureau of Geological and Mining Research

French National Centre for Local Government

French National Centre for Scientific Research

Centre for Construction Science and Technical Affairs

Coastal Protection Agency

Institute of Roads, Streets and Mobility Infrastructures

French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks

French National Competence Centre for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection

French National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture

Water Agencies

Météo-France Meteorological Office

National Forestry Office

French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department

SNCF Network

French Highways Industry Trade Unions Association

French Waterways Authority