Cerema Delivers its Expertise Worldwide

Cerema is also willing to support French businesses in growing their business abroad.
Cerema is particularly active in North and West Africa, Asia and South America.


Our projects with the AFD

Cerema is involved in a number of international projects alongside the French Development Agency (AFD). The AFD is a government body that implements France’s international development and cooperation policy in 115 countries worldwide, as well as in French overseas territories.

Cities & Climate Change « project » in Bogota

In March 2016, the French Development Agency (AFD) asked Cerema to take part in the « Cities & Climate Change » technical seminars, organised in partnership with the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). Cerema presented on the context and French initiatives in this field, as well as the services and tools developed to tackle these challenges.

Yaoundé Coeur de Ville Project in Cameroon

In 2019, Cerema undertook a study on behalf of the French Development Agency (AFD) as part of the « Yaoundé Cœur de Ville » project, whose aim was to improve traffic and mobility within the city. The study focused on road safety within the redevelopment of three major crossroads.

Road Safety Project in Madagascar

On behalf of the French Development Agency (AFD), Cerema delivered an engineering project in Madagascar, ensuring that road safety was incorporated into the ring road development in Antananarivo, which would bypass the east and north-east of the city. 

AFD Cerema framework agreement

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Cerema have signed in 2020 a framework contract to strengthen the expertise provided on official development assistance projects supported by France. 

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Our projects with AFD
Twinning initiatives funded by the European Union

Twinning initiatives funded by the European Union

Twinning initiatives are mechanisms for government cooperation that enable beneficiary countries (EU membership candidates and neighbouring countries) to draw on the expertise of EU Member States. Cerema is involved in four twinning initiatives in Morocco and Algeria.

Boosting the professional skills of AOTU-A, the Algiers urban transport authority

Twinning in Algeria (2019 - 2021)

As part of this twinning initiative in Algeria, Cerema helped AOTU-A to assess its strategy and structure, bolster its skills, and monitor the performance of the urban transport networks it oversees.

Help boosting the energy sector

Twinning in Morocco (2018 - 2020)

Cerema supported the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment (MEM) in drawing up its national energy strategy to secure its energy supply, guarantee access to energy, and protect the environment. Cerema assisted with the evaluation and implementation of insulation thermal element regulations for buildings in Morocco, as well as energy performance contracts.

Help improving planning and approval techniques for road safety and airports

Twinning in Algeria (January 2016 - November 2018)

Cerema assisted the CTTP, Algeria’s national public works technical control body, in analysing its high-traffic road network, bolstering regulations on highways equipment, and improving inspections of airport infrastructure.

Assistance in managing the highways network and civil engineering works

Twinning in Algeria (May 2015 - August 2017)

Cerema assisted the CTTP, Algeria’s national public works technical control body, in setting up a preventative maintenance system for highway infrastructure, based on creating a database of highways and civil engineering works.

Cerema trained Moroccan experts in the operationalization of thermal building regulations in Morocco

Twinning in Morocco (April 2019)

As part of the "Support for strengthening the energy sector" twinning program between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco, coordinated by Expertise France, Cerema provided training for the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development (MEMDD) on the operationalization of Morocco's thermal building regulations (RTCM).

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Our actions abroad

Cerema delivers its expertise in Europe and worldwide

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