Chaufferie biomasse du réseau de chaleur de la Communauté Urbaine d’Arras
Chaufferie biomasse du réseau de chaleur de la Communauté Urbaine d’Arras
Arnaud Bouissou / Terra
Purpose of the initiative

As part of a service provided to the EPA Sénart, Cerema has developed a methodology to assess the opportunity of connecting new or existing buildings to heating networks of new buildings or in rehabilitation buildings to heating networks, based on the operational phasing of a development operation, such as the example of a concerted development zone.

Client/partner Needs

In the context of the design and implementation of the development operations for which he is responsible, the developer must take care to define the energy supply solutions that are the most appropriate to the characteristics of the area and its territorial energy and climate objectives.

Among these energy solutions, the implementation of of a heating and cooling network requires a close collaboration with the definition stages of a development operation (definition of of the intervention perimeter, definition of the program, detailed phasing of the operation, ...) in order to ensure on the one hand the technical and economic feasibility of the heating and cooling and on the other hand, to translate within the development operation the low-carbon objectives set out in the in the Territorial Climate Air and Energy Plan of the concerned local body.

Cerema's solution

In response to this challenge of articulation between network and development projects development projects, Cerema has developed a simple simple and reproducible method to guide the evaluation the opportunity to develop a heating and cooling heating and cooling network in a development project throughout the project definition process.

In order to ensure coordination of studies, phasing, partners and the choices of development and techniques, the method technical choices, the method points out a set of questions to be asked and data to be collected according to the different different stages of a development project of a ZAC (emergence, definition and implementation files). It is thus intended to be a tool to assist and must allow to put forward :

  • the necessary conditions to be gathered during the urban project to allow the development of a heating and cooling network;

  • the different energy sources that can be used to supply the network (biomass, geothermal energy, biogas fatal energy, ...),

  • the consideration of a perimeter of reflection adequate scale to articulate the energy choices of the operation with the objectives and energy potential of the territorial project, as set out in the strategic documents of territorial documents (notably the Territorial Climate Air and Energy Plan and Local Urban Plan).

The document available for download below, explains the method which is presented in the form of in the form of indicators to be established in an to be established in an iterative logic to allow the operator's thinking. A set of data and studies are thus proposed to be produced or mobilized throughout the definition of the development project.

To go further

EPA Sénart

January 2022
Project pilot

Valérie Potier, Director of Energy and Climate Planning climate

Marion Benoist Moutn, Territorial Referent adaptation to climate change

Determine the opportunity of a heating network as soon as the beginning of a development project of a concerted development zone

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