Practical Guide - Signing bends
Traffic signing
This practical guide is based on the report entitled Méthode de sélection des virages à signaler et niveau de signalisation à implanter (Method for selecting bends to be signed and type of signing to be installed) published in May 2000 [1]. It is intended as a guide to the implementation of the method described in the report by agencies responsible for the installation of road signing.
This guide is intended to serve as a methodological aid to achievingconsistency in the signing of bends along a route with the aim ofhelping drivers to improve their perception of the level of difficulty ofthese bends. The method is based on a knowledge of the approach speeds, thelegibility and visibility of the bend, and other accident contributoryfactors. The aim of the method is to improve signing and to ensure that it isapplied consistently in all areas. This document provides departmentsresponsible for signing with the evidence they need to fight againstthe inflation of unnecessary road signs.
1 - Bends: A significant stake........................................................................................ 7
2 - Proposed method to be applied in each direction of route ............................... 8
3 - Scope.......................................................................................................................... 9
4 - Data collection ............................................................................................................9
5 - Automatic calculation of the speed difference ...................................................... 10
6 - Determining the classification .................................................................................. 11
7 - Site visit report form.................................................................................................. 12
8 - Legibility of the bend ................................................................................................. 13
9 - Visibility approaching the bend .................................................................................14
10 - Visibility in the bend ................................................................................................ 15
11 - Radius of curvature .................................................................................................. 16
12 - Classification rules .................................................................................................. 17
13 - Hints and tips .......................................................................................................... 18
14 - References............................................................................................................... 18