The EL team aims to optimise night-time artificial light emissions in order to reduce energy consumption linked to lighting and limit light pollution. By taking a particular interest in the visual perception of users and the propagation of light (light sources, optical properties of surfaces, etc.), its research more broadly focuses on road visibility issues.


Challenges for society

Optimising night-time artificial light emissions today essentially involves reducing energy consumption, which accounts for an average of 40 % of local authorities' electricity bills. Local authorities and professionals in the sector are therefore investing heavily in this issue, in a context that is under pressure (energy crisis, adaptation to climate change). For several years now, the maturity of LEDs for public lighting has offered some very interesting opportunities compared with older lighting sources. Even though LEDs only account for 15 to 20 % of the lighting installed in France, they account for the bulk of new projects. However, there is no magic effect. If we project the recurring rise in the price of electricity over one or two decades, for example, the energy savings will only compensate for this increase. This limits the scope for local authorities to reinvest in renovation programmes. Other solutions therefore need to be investigated, such as considering the actual reflective properties of road surfaces or better adapting the amount of light to specific uses, to ensure more adequate lighting.

Adequate is used here in the sense of limited. "Is lighting always right?" is also a real question. Particularly at a time when the impact of artificial light on biodiversity is increasingly the subject of debate in scientific, professional, and political circles. There is a great deal at stake in current studies or territorial strategies to examine how human needs for light at night can coexist with the nocturnal life of other species. This subject must be dealt with without blinkers as regards the human pressure exerted on natural environments, but also without it serving as an alibi for decisions that are underpinned by certainties or financial imperatives. The EL team's work does not claim to be a comprehensive treatment of this issue. It aims to propose new tools and new knowledge to serve it so that, if the need for lighting is proven, it is useful to all users, technically controlled and responsible in the face of the challenges of ecological transition.

Whatever the mobility context, type of infrastructure or mode of travel, the perception of the environment is fundamental, and there is a consensus that the vision of different users is paramount. Infrastructure and facilities must therefore provide sufficiently visible information to enable users to navigate, maintain their trajectory or interact with other road users in complete safety. Providing infrastructure managers or local authority road services with tools for diagnosing visibility is important for maintaining a sufficient level of service and guaranteeing access to useful visual information. The problem is a complex one, since the intrinsic performance of road objects (contrast of markings and signs, luminance of traffic lights, etc.) is strongly affected by environmental conditions (day, night, weather, etc.), the complexity of the task being performed (driving, presence of other road users, etc.), the multiplicity of information present in the field of vision, personal experience, individual behaviour, and so on. Once again, the EL team does not claim to be able to provide a global solution to this broadly multidisciplinary issue, and remains focused on what it knows how to do: objective measurements of physical quantities and their interpretation in terms of visual performance. The challenge here is to ensure that the characteristics that can be managed (photometric, colorimetric, dimensional, etc.) are done so in a way that is visually optimal (contrast, visibility, absence of glare, etc.) when a facility is brought into service and then throughout its life (planning of maintenance operations). With the arrival of the autonomous vehicle and its specific vision sensors, the challenges of visual performance increasingly extend beyond human needs alone. To prepare for its deployment, we already need to consider the wider scope of this future cohabitation.

Scientific approach

The EL team's scientific project focuses on infrastructure, mobility, road safety and urban development. To this end, it draws on its skills and expertise in the visual perception of road users and public spaces. The core of its work is to offer local authorities, particularly urban ones, new levers from research to help them make the ecological transition, for example by adopting an approach based on parsimony of light. The aim is to optimise public lighting installations not only to reduce energy consumption but also to limit the impact of artificial light on biodiversity. More broadly, the EL team is investing its tools and knowledge in the measurement of light stimuli to qualify the visibility offer in the road environment, in order to study the quality of service of infrastructures and developments through the prism of visual performance.

The EL team organises its work around a Research, Development and Applications triptych, with the aim of producing results and knowledge that are useful to society. The needs of the field are fundamental to the team's project. The new questions they raise make them part of the research process, always with the aim of ultimately producing operational solutions. Producing applied research that can be mobilised for expert appraisal is a mode of operation that is deeply rooted in the EL team's work.

Its research programme is structured around three areas:

  • Modelling the human visual system (HVS) using imaging techniques and image processing algorithms;
  • Optimising road lighting installations;
  • Assessing the visibility of road infrastructure objects.

To carry out this work, the team relies on two cross-disciplinary missions:

  • Light metrology;
  • The development of innovative measurement methods and systems.
Expected results

The main objectives of the EL team's scientific project are as follows:

  • To develop measurement systems that can be used in situ to characterise the visual performance of users as they travel;
  • To make visual performance a central benchmark when designing or evaluating infrastructure equipment (lighting, surfacing, signage, etc.);
  • To consider visual needs according to use (walking, cycling, driving, etc.) and examine the impact of conditions (lighting, weather, etc.) on visual performance;
  • To support local authorities in their efforts to reduce lighting levels;
  • To evaluate alternative and/or innovative planning solutions to optimise travel safety and reduce the carbon footprint of mobility;
  • To translate research findings into regulatory and standard-setting doctrine.

Since January 2023, EL, the PICS-L laboratory (COSYS department) at the Université Gustave Eiffel and Cerema's STI team have formed the TIM (Transports, Infrastructures, Mobilités) ERC (joint research team).

Main scientific partners

  • Cerema: ENDSUM and PsyCAP research teams; Lighting Reference Centre
  • University of Angers (LARIS, LPPL)
  • University of Poitiers (XLIM, PPRIME)
  • Engineering schools: ESEO, Polytech Angers, ESAIP
  • Technical Universities of Berlin and Dresden (Germany)
  • Metrology institutes: LNE-CNAM (France), INRIM (Italy), METAS (Switzerland)

Main industrial partners

  • Infrastructure and facilities : Spie batignolles malet, Colas, Eiffage, OliKrom, SNCF, Batifoix, SDEL Transport
  • Lighting manufacturers: Comatelec-Schréder, Zumtobel, Signify
  • Smart City, Smart Lighting: Citeos, Phoenix Contact, Lacroix City
  • Motorway companies: Vinci, Cofiroute, APRR
  • Airport operators: ADP Group, Marseille and Lille airports

Public partners and local authorities

  • Government departments: DGITM, DSR, STRMTG, CETU
  • Local authorities: Limoges Métropole, Nantes Métropole, Angers Loire Métropole, Ville de Saint-Malo, Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, Syndicat intercommunal d'énergies de Maine-et-Loire (SIEML), Parc Naturel Régional des Causses du Quercy, Région Occitanie, CD44


  • REFLECTIVITY: Road surfacEs Function for Lighting Evaluation, road marking ContrasT, urban heat Island to ensure VIsibility and sustainabiliTY. ANR project (2023-2026) led by Cerema (external link)
  • LUNNE: La LUmière la Nuit Nuit à l'Environnement. ANR project (2023-2026) led by Université Gustave Eiffel
Latest publications
Theses under way

Thomas Faure
"BRDF estimation of road surfaces using photometric imagery for night-time urban planning." Thesis directed by Paul Richard (University of Angers / LARIS), co-supervised by Vincent Boucher (Cerema / EL) and Florian Greffier (Cerema / EL). Doctoral school: Mathematics and STIC, University of Angers. 01/02/2024 - 31/01/2027.

Hadia Mrad 
"Prediction of the evolution of the optical properties of road surfaces as a function of different degradation factors." Thesis directed by Roland Brémond (Université Gustave Eiffel / PICS-L), co-supervised by Valérie Muzet (Cerema / ENDSUM) and Florian Greffier (Cerema / EL). Graduate school: MSTIC, Université Gustave Eiffel. 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2026.

Kewei Xu 
"Modelling of pavement BRDF from geometric and colorimetric data". Thesis directed by Daniel Meneveaux (University of Poitiers / XLIM), co-supervised by Benjamin Bringier (University of Poitiers / XLIM) and Vincent Boucher (Cerema / EL). Doctoral school: SISMI, University of Poitiers. 01/03/2023 - 28/02/2026.

Theses submitted

Vincent Boucher
"Study of optical propagation applied to road visibility. The quest for contrast." Professorial thesis (HDR). Doctoral school: Mathematics and STIC, University of Angers. Defended on 11 October 2023.

Laure Lebouc
"Simulation, evaluation and optimisation of the night-time legibility of urban developments: taking into account the light reflection properties of road surfaces for lighting adapted to the different users of public space." Thesis directed by Paul Richard (University of Angers / LARIS), co-supervised by Vincent Boucher (Cerema / EL) and Florian Greffier (Cerema / EL). Doctoral school: Mathematics and STIC, University of Angers. Defended on 3 October 2023.

Florian Greffier
"Photometric and colorimetric measurements under dynamic conditions using HDR imaging. Application to the optimisation of road lighting installations." Thesis directed by Roland Brémond (Université Gustave Eiffel / PICS-L), co-supervised by Vincent Boucher (Cerema / EL). Doctoral school: MSTIC, Université Gustave Eiffel. Defended on 13 December 2022.

Etienne Belin
"Use of new imaging techniques for vision in diffusing environments." Thesis directed by François Sanchez (University of Angers), co-supervised by Frédéric Taillade (LCPC) and Vincent Boucher (Cerema / EL). Doctoral school: Matière, Molécules, Matériaux en Pays de la Loire, University of Angers. Defended 19 December 2008.

Team manager
Deputy manager
Team members
Joffrey Girard
Laure Lebouc
Research engineer
Matthieu Iodice
Associate Research engineer
Romain Dronneau
Fabrice Fournela
Jean-Noël Gaudin
Engineer (support staff)
Thomas Faure
PhD student
Formulaire de contact

EL: Light and Lighting research team

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