Autonomous mobility and vehicles: what are citizens’ expectations for tomorrow?
This publication capitalizes on the lessons learned from public debate on the issues of autonomous vehicles and the future of day-to-day mobility. It presents them in the light of current and future sustainable mobility issues. It also questions the role of public entities and that of civil society in the development of public mobility policies based on the deployment of autonomous vehicles.
This publication capitalizes on the lessons learned from public debate on the issues of autonomous vehicles and the future of day-to-day mobility. It presents them in the light of current and future sustainable mobility issues. It also questions the role of public entities and that of civil society in the development of public mobility policies based on the deployment of autonomous vehicles.
For local authorities, citizens’ associations and mobility operators, it offers new insights into the development of new technologies with regard to the expectations and mistrust of citizens.
This citizen debate was organized at the initiative of Missions Publiques, and took place on January 27, 2018. Over 350 citizens attended the debate to discuss the issues of autonomous vehicles. It took place simultaneously in five cities: La Rochelle, Sophia-Antipolis, Rennes, Toulouse and Conflans-Sainte-Honorine.
The day was organized in partnership with the groups Allianz, Airbus and Keolis, the Leonard hub (Vinci group), Forum Vies Mobiles, the conurbation communities of La Rochelle and Sophia-Antipolis, the urban community of Greater Paris Seine and Oise, Rennes Métropole, Toulouse Métropole and Sicoval, together with the General Commissariat for Sustainable Development (CGDD).
Introduction: a citizen debate on driverless vehicles,to understand expectations and inform future choices
0 Structure and schedule for the day. Who are the participants? Some details about the debate methodology and the type of results obtained. What participants tell us goes far beyond the subject of driverless vehicles!
1 What kind of mobility is sought for tomorrow with driverless vehicles?
1.1 Driverless vehicles to reduce the unpleasantness of mobility?
1.2 Ready to leave the individual vehicle model, yes, but not at any cost!
1.3 A high quality of service expected, especially where safety is concerned
1.4 Collective benefits: a strong environmental concern...
1.5 … and the right to mobility for all, updated by the perspective of DVs
1.6 A strong energy and environmental concern
1.7 Paradoxical requirements
2 An answer to the specific features of regions and users?
2.1 DVs to meet mobility needs in rural areas
2.2 Are towns a playground for DVs?
2.3 Towards a smart, highly connected road
2.4 Autonomous vehicles in all regions: a wish confronted with economic and technical realities
3 Towards a robotized society?
3.1 Freed by machines
3.2 Or alienated by them?
3.3 Relationship between man and machine
3.4 Confidence in the real benefits of artificial intelligence remains limited
4 From development to deployment of driverless vehicles (DVs): organization and/or regulation?
4.1 People wanting support for the development of DVs from the State
4.2 The expected role of local and regional authorities
4.3 Impacts of the development of autonomous vehicles on economic players
4.4 What about at European level?
4.5 Mobility governance to be reinvented, between institutional authorities, new private transport data and service companies, and citizens