

With the finalization of Version 3, DATEX II is now at the heart of connectivity, supporting the digitalization of road traffic and travel information. Next to important updates implemented for national road operators and service providers, DATEX II has broadened its focus to the domains of urban mobility, electromobility charging infrastructure, logistics, electronic traffic regulations and cooperative, connected and automated mobility.


This year, DATEX II will organize its 6th DATEX Forum in a logo datex2different setting.

  • A 5-part webinar series will start on November 25th of 2020 and run until May of 2021.
  • A physical Forum will take place on 9/10 June of 2021 in Paris, France.

This setup enables us to share with you the tremendous progress and interesting new capabilities of DATEX II already this year and to bring together the DATEX II community in the first half of next year.

Save the Dates

For the first webinar day on the 25th of November, the 6th DATEX II Forum will open its online doors to all system users, software developers, information architects, ITS consultants as well as policy and decision-makers interested in DATEX II. For the remaining four webinar days, two to three webinars will be organized on a Wednesday morning every 6 weeks from January 2021 until the physical Forum in June of 2021.

drapeau européenThe webinars are addressing subjects that are of interest to different target groups in our audience. We have identified three target groups that each have dedicated streams of relevant sessions to them. The Management Stream explains when to use DATEX II and how to deploy it from a strategical perspective. The Functional Stream aims at those who want to use DATEX II in their data exchange service for a specific functional domain, such as traffic management, parking or Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure data provision. The Technical Stream goes into the technical details of the specification, the tools of the DATEX II standard and the technical deployment of DATEX II.

All webinar talks will be organized and moderated by our own DATEX II experts and will last approximately 45 minutes including Q&A. Please be aware that al questions posed in the chat during the webinar talks will be stored so that the DATEX II Organization may opt to answer any remaining questions after the sessions have ended.

We aim to publish the detailed programme for each webinar day a month prior.

The webinar series schedule is as follows :  

  • Webinar 1 - 25th of November 2020 – Getting to know DATEX II.
  • Webinar 2 - 27th of January 2021 – Sharing achievements.
  • Webinar 3 - 10th of March 2021 – DATEX II Version 3.1.
  • Webinar 4 - 21st of April 2021 – DATEX II and the ITS ecosystem.
  • Webinar 5 - 26th of May 2021 – Future developments.

The program

programme de Datex II



Registrations are open. You will receive updates on the programme based on your selection of webinar days. Within each webinar day you are free to choose which session(s) you want to attend, taking into account the three streams: management, functional and technical. So feel free to attend whatever session sparks your interest !

Please register by choosing one of the links under "Toutes les dates" and then click on the green button on the right of the screen to register.



Toutes les dates pour 6th DATEX II Forum Webinar Series Kick-off : November 25th

Les prochains rendez-vous