Cerema in a nutshell

Cerema (which stands for Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning) is the major French public agency for developing public expertise in the fields of urban planning, regional cohesion and ecological and energy transition for resilient and climate-neutral cities and regions. It has a staff of 2,700 people out of which 500 are dedicated to research and innovation activities.

Cerema was created in 2014 by merging eleven public expertise organizations, each with decades of experience in the fields of bridges, roads and ports infrastructure, water, geotechnics, risk, land use and urban development.
As a multidisciplinary scientific and technical resource and expertise centre, Cerema provides assistance in developing, implementing and assessing public policies at national and local levels, where the challenges of the climatic and ecological transition & regional cohesion are paramount.

It offers unique state-of-the-art high-level expertise in 6 activity areas:


Performance and Asset Management



Public space and urban mobility, modelling, policies and services, intelligent transport system (ITS), travel safety

Transport infrastructure 

Management, design, viability, maintenance, engineering structures, bridges

Environment and risk  

Renewable energies, biodiversity, nature-based solutions, resource conservation, natural risks prevention

Sea and coast

Coastal and marine management, maritime and river safety and technologies, ports and waterways

And the ability to integrate these different skills into developing regional projects.

Our actions abroad

Cerema Delivers its Expertise in Europe and Worldwide

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