Jumelage en Algérie – Appui à l’amélioration des techniques d’aménagement et d’homologation liées à la sécurité routière et aéroportuaire
Jumelage en Algérie – Appui à l’amélioration des techniques d’aménagement et d’homologation liées à la sécurité routière et aéroportuaire
Purpose of the initiative

As part of a twinning funded by the European Union, Cerema supported the National Body for Technical Control of Public Works (CTTP) in improving the development and certification techniques related to road and airport safety (DZ/21). The CTTP is the reference technical body of the Algerian Ministry of Public Works (MTP) for the design and construction of public works structures.

This twinning assisted CTTP in:

  1. Carrying out the diagnosis of the high traffic road network (Focus 1)

  2. Strengthening of safety control rules, development of roadsides and approval of road products and equipment (Focus 2)

  3. Improvement of the airport infrastructure control system (Focus 3)

This project mobilised approximately forty experts over 500 days of missions from January 2016 to November 2018. The initiating Franco-Belgian consortium consisted of: 

  • France (leader): the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES) via its Delegation for European and International Affairs (DAEI), which relied on its specialist services: Cerema, Ifsttar, National Road Network Audit Mission (MARRN), Interdepartmental Roads Directorates (DIRs), Association for the Certification and Qualification of Road Equipment (ASCQUER), Expertise France (French Agency for International Technical Expertise), STAC and ADP.

  • Belgium (partner): Belgian Road Safety Institute (IBSR), now VIAS.

Twinnings are administrative cooperation instruments allowing beneficiary countries (candidate countries for European Union membership and neighbouring countries) to benefit from the expertise of EU member countries. In addition to this twinning, Cerema has been involved in three other European twinnings in Morocco (Energy) and Algeria (Road infrastructure management / Urban transport). Administrative aspects are handled by Expertise France.

Client/partner Needs

Algeria has a structuring road network of 129,000 km, a motorway network of 1,145 km and 53 aerodromes. The Algerian public works sector linked to the development of the road network is in full expansion, and therefore a carrier of economic growth. The constant increase in traffic, however, is leading to an increasing number of road accidents, with 4,530 fatalities in 2013. Airport safety is also the subject of discussions by the government.

In this context, the Algerian Ministry of Public Works (MTP) has entrusted the National Body for Technical Control of Public Works (CTTP) to improve the performance of management and maintenance of road, airport and maritime infrastructure. 

In response to the expressed needs, the collaborative work of this twinning allowed:

  • the co-development of technical manuals, draft regulations, circulars and specifications;

  • a transfer of methodological and technical tools in the areas covered by the twinning: diagnosis of the sizing and reinforcement of road and airport pavements, control and monitoring of works, analysis of the smoothness (profile regularity) and adhesion of the pavements, road safety audits, approval of road products and equipment and development of roadsides.

  • instructor training to perpetuate the achievements and results of the twinning.

Cerema's solution

In support of MTES - DAEI (Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition - Directorate of European and International Affairs), Cerema, with all Franco-Belgian partners, is committed alongside the Algerian administration and under the leadership of Smail Hamlat from Cerema, resident twinning advisor seconded to Algeria for the duration of the project.

Cerema provided its expertise in road safety audits, certification of road products and equipment, control and monitoring of works, analysis of the smoothness and adhesion of pavements, diagnostic auscultation and reinforcement of road and airport structures and clearance of lifters (manual detection of roadway degradation).


European Commission

Project pilot


Twinning in Algeria - Support for the improvement of planning and approval techniques related to road and airport safety

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