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Agence de Clermont-Ferrand du Cerema
10 rue Bernard Palissy
63017 Clermont-Ferrand

Date and schedule

On 03 October 2024
From 9h00 to 13h00


Contact logistique
Sébastien LIANDRAT

Photo credit: Perichon architectes


Cerema is completing the construction of the brand new PAVIN Extreme Weather facility, a test environment capable of reproducing rain and fog conditions. The inauguration will take place at the Clermont-Ferrand agency on Thursday 3 October 2024.

The technical characteristics of this new facility have been optimised to ensure the best possible tests quality: large dimensions, excellent thermal stability and uniform natural and artificial lighting.
The new platform will provide an ideal working environment for test campaigns, in a pleasant and environmentally-friendly setting.

The morning of the inauguration will be an opportunity to present this new test platform in more detail and to give other stakeholders in autonomous mobility the opportunity to present their work:

  • Demonstration with an autonomous shuttle from the University of Clermont Auvergne
  • Presentation of INRAE's work on autonomous mobility in agriculture
  • Presentation of a dust simulation prototype, another automated driving challenge
  • Other presentations by Cerema's European partners and projects


With the support of:


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