Steel – Concrete Composite Bridges
Sustainable Design Guide
Steel-concrete composite bridges, both road and rail, have experienced a veritable boom in France since the late 1970s. Whilst highly competitive, primarily in the area of medium span structures, composite bridges have consistently extended their range of usage through development specifically towards large spans, the design of which has progressed ever further away from prestressed box girder and steel structures.
Steel-concrete composite bridges, both road and rail, have experienced a veritable boom in France since the late 1970s. Whilst highly competitive, primarily in the area of medium span structures, composite bridges have consistently extended their range of usage through development specifically towards large spans, the design of which has progressed ever further away from prestressed box girder and steel structures. This guide reviews in detail the design and construction of the most common composite road structures, namely girder and box girder bridges. It is intended not only for Clients and Owners, but also design, construction and methods engineers. The present guide therefore replaces and supersedes the Sétra guide entitled "Ponts mixtes acier-béton bipoutres / Guide de conception" [twin girder steel-concrete composite bridges / design guide], published in October 1985, updating of which was necessary in relation to specific points (new design and material standards, wide structures) as well as complementing of major areas, such as box girder deck design and construction methods. This new guide also replaces and supersedes Sétra technical report No. 8, entitled "Montage des ponts métalliques" [steel bridge construction], published in 1973.
- Purpose and background of this guide
- Reminder of composite bridge structural behaviour
- Area of composite bridge usage in france
- Statistics for composite bridge construction
- A few significant structures
- Composite bridges in other european countries
- Composite bridges and sustainable development
General design of composite bridge
- Overall design of girder composite bridges
- General design of box girder composite bridges
- Miscellaneous points possibly influencing general design
Related bibliography
Detailed design
- Choice of materials
- Steelwork for twin girder composite bridges
- Box girder composite bridge steelwork
- Slab geometry and reinforcement
- Support Vertical Adjustment
- Waterproofing
- Related bibliography
S t e e l f r a m e t r a n s p o r t a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n
- Steel frame transport
- Steel frame assembly
- Placement on temporary concreting and permanent support bearings
- Possible support vertical adjustments
- Maintaining a fixed point during construction
- Related bibliography
Slab construction
- Preamble
- lab construction using mobile formwork
- Slab construction by precasting
- Other slab construction methods
- Related bibliography
Measures contributing to durability and maintenance
- General principles contributing to maintenance
- Steelwork anti-corrosion protection
- Deck
- Piers
- Abutments
- Related bibliography
Recommendations for DCE preparation
- Type of consultation
- DCE composition
- Consultation rules
- Act of engagement
- Particular administrative conditions of contract (ccap)
- Particular technical conditions of contract (CCTP)
- Price schedule