5 April 2018
Interreg 2 seas Mers Zeeën
Projet Interreg
Cerema is participating in the European PECS (Ports Energy Carbon Savings) project in order to reduce the carbon footprint of port areas, in collaboration with 9 other partners (universities, companies, environmental protection agency, ports and communities).

Ports Energy and Carbon Savings

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Reducing their emissions remains a challenge for ports, which are often considered to be highly polluting due to their industrial and logistics activities, and which must remain highly economically attractive in the face of global competition.

PECS will address the issue of efficient energy production and management. Approximately ten different technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency or developing renewable energies will be tested at 4 pilot port sites in 4 different countries. This interreg project will analyse the economic feasibility of these technologies and will review the other existing solutions for port managers. 12 other partners (communities and industries) will also participate in the project as observers.

The ultimate goal of the project remains to create a tool that can be used by other port authorities so that they can also reduce their environmental impact, while remaining economically attractive for industrial and commercial activities.

Cerema Eau mer et fleuves and Cerema Nord-Picardie will focus on this great challenge for 3 years, and in particular the Port of Dunkirk, which remains a pioneer in terms of industrial heat recovery. As part of this project, a chlorinated waste treatment centre, managed by the company Indaver, should be set up in the port area in order to recover its free heat from an adjacent industry. Free heat recovery and heating networks could easily allow ports to improve their carbon footprint. Moreover, the intermittence of renewable energies that can potentially be installed in a port environment will be studied in order to define a scenario adapted to meet the energy and electrical needs of the ports.

Project partners

  • Port of Ostend (BE)

  • City of Portsmouth (UK)

  • City of Hellevoestsluis (NL)

  • Gant University (BE)

  • Solent University (UK)

  • Zeeland University (NL)

  • Odijmond Environmental Protection Agency (NL)

  • Cerema (FR)

  • Indaver (BE)

  • Blue Power Synergy (BE)


Technologies tested

  • Heat recovery between two industries

  • Solar pontoon

  • Pontoon with energy storage

  • Pontoon with integrated wind turbines

  • Medium-power onshore wind turbine

  • Smart pontoon (self-sufficient for lighting and cameras)

  • Energy-efficient boat access ramp



Logos des partenaires du projet PECS

Learn more

Project presentation brochure