Jumelage au Maroc - Appui au renforcement du secteur de l’énergie
Jumelage au Maroc - Appui au renforcement du secteur de l’énergie
Purpose of the initiative

As part of a twinning funded by the European Commission, Cerema is supporting the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and the Environment (MEM) in the implementation of the national energy strategy. This strategy aims to secure the energy supply, guarantee access to energy, while also preserving the environment.

This twinning (MA/53) supports more particularly the establishment of a law on the regulation of the energy sector, the increase in energy efficiency and the development of renewable energies.

The French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition (MTES) is the main partner of this twinning, accompanied by the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy. Lasting 24 months, this twinning is funded by the European Commission to the tune of 1,150,000 Euros.

Twinning projects funded by the European Commission are administrative cooperation instruments which allow beneficiary countries (candidate countries for membership of the European Union and neighbouring countries) to benefit from the expertise of EU member countries. Cerema has been involved in four European twinnings in Morocco (Energy) and Algeria (Road safety / Road infrastructure / Urban transport). Administrative aspects are handled by Expertise France.

Client/partner Needs

This twinning project will allow the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment (MEM) to meet several needs:

  • Reinforcement of MEM's ability to draft regulatory texts on energy issues

  • Development of a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the energy strategy at the national and regional levels

  • Modernisation of the tools used by the MEM's Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Directorate

  • Support for the MEM's Electricity Directorate in the multi-annual programming of investments in the production and transmission of electricity

Cerema's solution

In April 2019, Cerema, called upon by MTES, carried out a number of «active training-type actions » (adaptation to the Moroccan context and to evolving contexts, case studies, etc.) in Rabat by integrating concrete cases adapted to the needs expressed by the various departments of the Moroccan Ministry of Energy.

1. Assessment of construction thermal regulation in Morocco (RTCM).


  • To present the issues and principles of the thermal regulatory assessment of French buildings

  • To explain the benefits of dynamic thermal simulation (DTS) in the Moroccan context

  • To identify avenues to accelerate the application of thermal construction regulations in Morocco (RTCM)

  • To develop and implement a procedure for monitoring the application of the RTCM, with technical support for the application of the Moroccan regulatory tool named «BINAYATE».

2. GIS training


  • To clarify, at the regional level, statistics and indicators of energy policy

  • To provide GIS training for monitoring energy efficiency programmes and projects (energy statistics, energy efficiency, development of renewable energies):

    • Theoretical training in geomatics for agents, managers, and data administrators, illustrated by the presentation of French applications (organisation of the management of geographical information in France at MTES, search method for sites favourable to photovoltaic production in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, …)

    • Practical training based on the free software Qgis (learning and improvement).

  • To support the mapping of sites that can house renewable energy production facilities based on concrete projects:

    • Calculation of indicators for the environmental assessment of a power plant project,

    • Regional mapping of energy statistics,

    • Mapping of planned renewable energy production sites.

Based on the training dispensed, Cerema provided a catalogue of tools and procedures for implementing a GIS, along with guidelines for the organisation of geographic information management.

3. Energy performance contracts


  • To present experience feedback related to the implementation of Energy Performance Contracts in France and in various European countries

  • To support the MEMDD services in the development of Energy Performance Contract (EPC) templates

  • To contribute to the reflections by MEMDD and its partners on the development of the activity of energy service companies in Morocco and the capacity building of public contractors (State services and local authorities) and private contractors for the implementation of EPCs

An EPC contractual drafting guide has been drawn up in collaboration with Moroccan experts.


European Commission

Project pilot


Twinning in Morocco - Support for strengthening the energy sector

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