The platform provides the building sector with infrastructure, measurement equipment and the technical and scientific services of its team of experts. It is used to test innovative solutions for the energy performance of new buildings or one being rehabilitated. It is open to any type of collaborative or contract project. It benefits from the expertise of Cerema staff.
Service offering
The platform evaluates the energy performance of buildings.
Tests of innovative solutions at scale 1 (systems, envelope)
Links with simulation (STD, regulatory calculation, title V)
Tests of metrology solutions
Energy efficiency of occupied tertiary buildings
Hygrothermal comfort
Indoor air quality
Performance of equipment and systems
Efficiency of insulation solutions of the rehabilitation envelope
Human and hardware resources
Physical resources
1 instrumented and occupied low-energy tertiary building (comfort, energy, occupation).
1 pre-instrumented and occupied tertiary building (energy).
One 20m² instrumented experimental mud house:
study of the hygrothermal behaviour of old buildings for their renovation,
testing of insulation solutions and ventilation systems.
Two 20m² instrumented units, for the study of the renovation of freestone buildings and the behaviour of freestone walls, whether insulated or not.
A 100m² area that can be adapted and configured in terms of walls and systems for testing:
innovative heating systems,
ventilation systems.
Human resources
A team of researchers, engineers and technicians making a practical contribution to developing knowledge in the field of measuring the efficiency of buildings, and in that of improving existing simulation models.
References and clients
National research projects
Energy performance guarantee: ANR OMEGA projects, CSTB, ARMINES, Université d’Angers, INPG INP Grenoble partnerships; MEMOIRE project, CSTB, UGE , LEPTIAB, BE SOLAMEN partnership
Energy renovation of old and historic buildings: TUFFEAU project, GEM, PRN Loire Anjou Touraine, Maisons paysannes de France partnership; ANR HUMIBATEX project, CETHIL, Grenoble CSTB, LEPTIAB, LOCIE partnership, companies ISOVER, VENTILAIRSEC, ALDES
Use of renewable energies: CORALIES (Concept de Renouvellement d’Air Liant Insufflation et Energie Solaire - Air renewal concept linking air blowing and solar energy), prototype testing (Soléhom) as part of a CEA-INES partnership, companies VENTILAIRSEC, Menuiserie ELVA
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