RHITME team aims to characterize and model the dynamics of hydraulic and morphological processes along the land-sea continuum in order to better control hydraulic risks and environmental impacts, with a particular focus on extreme events, interfaces between various environments, different spatio-temporal scales and sustainable resource management.

Challenges for society

The societal issues addressed by RHITME concern the control of hydrosedimentary hazards for continental waters (runoff, floods, etc.) and maritime waters (storms, tsunamis, increasing anthropogenic pressure combined with joint events, real-time forecasting of floods, waves and surges).

A first challenge concerns the improvement of knowledge (description, understanding and prediction) of the physical phenomena governing the natural hazards encountered in the maritime and land areas bordering the coastline and coastal waterways for better prevention of the risks to which people are exposed. local populations, as well as property and infrastructure. On the national territory, these natural risks are mainly floods, marine submersion, storms and cyclones. The natural hydraulic hazards affecting the coastal, coastal and fluvio-estuarine zones concern, on the land side, floods causing flooding by overflowing rivers and, on the sea side, storms including strong waves, storm surges and surges cause flooding by submersion and retreat by erosion of the coastline and adjacent areas. To these manifestations of flooding and retreat of the coastline are added the health and ecological impacts harmful to the quality of the environment due to the increase in turbidity of the water and the siltation of channels, bays. , estuaries, and even beaches, through sedimentation. Anthropogenic changes to the environment influence the way in which natural hazards occur. Anthropogenic factors affecting rivers, estuaries and the coastal fringe include dams and coastal developments that reduce sediment supply and disrupt sand exchanges, as well as human activities, such as mining. of aggregates, dredging/damping or trawling, which alter the bottom and the clarity of the waters. We will be particularly interested in hydro-sedimentary interactions for port access and inland navigation which also remain a major concern for managers who wish to better estimate the clearance under the keel, optimize dredging, anticipate the effects of climate change and reduce environmental impacts of navigation (ship consumption, impact of turbid plumes on water quality).

To date, it seems certain that climate change will have a major, complex and varied influence on these natural risks in the long term, following in particular the rise in sea level or the probable accentuation of storm and weather patterns. precipitation (floods/low waters) and their extreme events. Knowledge and prediction of the impacts of these manifestations of climate change on hazards, as well as solutions for adapting to this development, constitute an essential issue in line with the converging recommendations of different think tanks (Grenelle de la mer, mission post-Xynthia, government plan for the prevention of marine submersions) in favor of strengthening consideration of the risks of flooding, submersion and erosion, particularly in a context of climate change.


Scientific approach

RHITME's scientific project concerns Cerema's fields of activity: "Risks and the Environment" and "Sea and Coast".

The team develops knowledge, methods and tools on flows at different scales, from the regional scale of the system (ocean, estuary and watershed) to the local scale within the system (upstream/downstream interactions, lateral exchanges, "cross or longshore", flows with structures/weirs) and this in both the maritime and fluvial fields, combining numerical and experimental approaches. To this end, the RHITME project team has a strong scientific computing activity and contributes to the development of the Telemac-Mascaret platform (www.opentelemac.org ), software widely distributed and used in academic and industrial circles.

Scientific issues concern the characterization and forecasting of hydro-sedimentary hazards at the land-sea interface, from continental hydro-geosystems to estuaries and the open coastal zone. The research program is structured around three axes:

  • River-sea interactions for water level and flow forecasting
  • Morphodynamic responses: coastline and interactions with estuaries
  • Hazards and environmental impacts in navigated rivers
Expected results
  • The development of hydroinformatics tools to support the prevention and forecasting of floods, environmental impacts linked to activities and the impacts of climate change. 
  • A better understanding of interactions between continental and coastal systems 
  • Better characterization of hazards, extremes and resources

Cerema's RHITME research team and UMR CNRS 6143 M2C (Morphodynamique Continentale et Côtière, Université de Rouen and Université de Caen) are developing a formal partnership.

Main scientific partners

  • UBO / IUEM
  • University of Bordeaux (UMR CNRS EPOC)
  • University of Guyana (UAR LEEISA)
  • University of Poitiers (Institut PPRIME)
  • LHSV- Ecole des Ponts Paritech
  • LHSV – EDF R&D
  • (UMR CNRS M2C)
  • Cerfacs

Main international partners

  • INRS (Canada)
  • FURG (Brazil)

Main industrial partners

  • Energie de la Lune
  • Les Salins du Midi

Public partners and local authorities

  • Government departments and institutional partners: central government departments (ONERC, DGITM, DGPR, SCHAPI), decentralized departments (DEAL Guyane, DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine, SPC Gironde-Adour-Dordogne, SPC Seine Aval et Affluents Côtiers Normands), major ports (HAROPA, GP Maritime de Bordeaux, GP Maritime de Guyane), other public establishments (BRGM, INRAE, METEO-France, VNF, GIP SA). 
  • Local authorities: CA2BM (Communauté d'Agglomération des deux baies en Montreuillois), CCOG (Communauté de Commune de l'Ouest Guyanais), CODAH (Communauté d'Agglomération de Havre), GAM (Grenoble Agglomération Métropole) 
  • Public establishments: BRGM, EPTB Saône-Doubs
Latest publications


Lisboa, P.V., Fernandes, E.H., Sottolichio, A.,Huybrechts N, Bendô, A.R.R., Costi, J. Bottom evolution patterns driven by hydrodynamic forcing in the Southwest Atlantic Inner Continental Shelf, off Río de la Plata and Patos Lagoon Continental Shelf Research,, 2023, 255, 104934

Tassi, P., Benson, T., Delinares, M.,Fotaine J, Huybrechts N,...Taccone, F., Walther, R. (2023) GAIA - a unified framework for sediment transport and bed evolution in rivers, coastal seas and transitional waters in the TELEMAC-MASCARET modelling system Environmental Modelling and Software, 2023, 159, 105544 


Lisboa P.V, Fernades E, Sottolichio A and Huybrechts N (2022) Coastal Plumes Contribution to the Suspended Sediment Transport in the Southwest Atlantic Inner Continental Shelf. Journal of Marine System Journal of Marine Systems,2022, 236, 103796 

Gardel, A.Anthony, E.J.Santos, V.F.Huybrechts N.,.Sottolichio, A.Maury, T. (2022) A remote sensing-based classification approach for river mouths of the Amazon-influenced Guianas coast Regional Environmental Change 22(2), 65

M. Igigabel, Y. Diab, and Yates, M. L. Exploring methodological approaches for strengthening the resilience of coastal flood protection system. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.756936.

T. Chataigner, M.L. Yates, N. Le Dantec, M.D. Harley, K.D. Splinter, and N. Goutal. Sensitivity of a one-line longshore shoreline change model to the mean wave direction. Coastal Engineering, 172 :104025, 2022.



Bagot, P.Huybrechts, N.Sergent, P. (2021) Satellite-derived topography and morphological evolution around authie macrotidal estuary (France) Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(12), 1354

Do TKA, Huybrechts N, and Sergent P. (2021) Sand net device to control the meanders of a coastal river: the case of the Authie estuary (France), JMSE (in press, IF 2.458)

Ross L., Sottolichio A., Huybrechts N. and Brunet P. (2021) Tidal turbines in the estuarine environment: from identifying optimal location to environmental impact. Renewable Energy, 2021, 169, pp. 700–713 (IF 8.0 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.01.039)

Huybrechts N., Smaoui H, Orseau O., Tassi P. and Klein F. (2021) Automatic calibration of the bed friction coefficients to reduce the influence of their seasonal variation: the case of the Gironde estuary. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2021, 147(3), 05021004 (IF 2.08, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000632)

Gardel A.; Anthony E., dos Santos V.F., Huybrechts N., Lesourd S., Sottolichio A., Maury T. and Jolivet M. (2021) Fluvial sand, Amazon mud, and sediment accommodation in the tropical Maroni River estuary: Controls on the transition from estuary to delta and chenier plain. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2021, 41, 101548 (IF 1.624 , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101548)

Orseau S., Huybrechts N., Tassi P., Kaidi S., Klein F. (2021) Nav-Tel: an open-source system for ship routing and underkeel clearance management in estuarine channels. J. of Waterway Port Coastal Eng. 147(2): 04020053 (IF 2.08, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000610

S. Orseau, N. Huybrechts, P. Tassi, D. Pham Van bang, F. Klein. Two-dimensional modeling of fine sediment transport with mixed sediment and consolidation: Application to the Gironde Estuary, France International Journal of Sediment Research 

P. Dissanayake, Yates, M. L., S. Suanez, F. Floc’h, and K. Krämer. Climate change impacts on coastal wave dynamics at vougot beach, france. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(9), 2021.

J. Montaño, G. Coco, T. Chataigner, Yates, M., N. Le Dantec, S. Suanez, L. Cagigal, F. Floc’h, and I. Townend. Time-scales of a dune-beach system and implications for shoreline modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface, 126(11) :e2021JF006169, 2021.

A. Varing, J.-F. Filipot, S. Grilli, R. Duarte, V. Roeber, and Yates, M. L. A new definition of the kinematic breaking onset criterion validated with solitary and quasi-regular waves in shallow water. Coast. Eng., 164 :103755, 2021.



P. Sergent , N. Huybrechts, H. Smaoui, Large scale demonstrator of fishing nets against coastal erosion of dunes by meanders in Authie estuary (Côte d’Opale—France). Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change, 573-593. Proceedings of ICEC-2018, Ed. Dan Nguyen K., Guillou S., Gourbesville P. and Thiébot J., Springer.

S. Orseau, N. Abascal Zorrilla, N. Huybrechts, S. Lesourd, A. Gardel. Decadal morphological evolution of a muddy open-coast. Marine Geology (IF 3.35)

V. Laborie, S. Ricci, M. De Lozzo, N. Goutal, Y. Audouin, P. Sergent. Quantifying forcing uncertainties in the hydrodynamics of the Gironde estuary. Computational Geosciences, 1-22 

Do T.K.A, Sottolichio A., Huybrechts N. and Gardel A. Circulation pattern and implication for fine sediment transport in a preserved tropical estuary: the case of the Maroni (French Guiana). Regional studies in Marine Sciences (40). 101493.

Abascal Zorrilla N., Vantrepotte V., Huybrechts N., Dinh Ngoc D., Anthony E., and Gardel A. (2020) Dynamics of the estuarine turbidity maximum zone from Landsat-8 data: the case of the Maroni River estuary, French Guiana. Remote Sensing. July. 12 (13):2173

Varing, A., Filipot, J.-F., Grilli, S., Duarte, R., Roeber, V., Yates, M. A new definition of the kinematic breaking onset criterion validated with solitary and quasi-regular waves in shallow water. Coastal Engineering, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103755 



B. Simon, C. Papoutsellis, M. Benoit, and Yates, M. L. Comparing methods of modeling depth-induced breaking of irregular waves with a fully nonlinear potential flow approach. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy, 5 :365–383, 2019.

C. Papoutsellis, Yates, M. L., B. Simon, and M. Benoit. Modeling of depth-induced wave breaking in a fully nonlinear free-surface potential flow model. Coast. Eng., 154 :103579, 2019.

C. Raoult, M. Yates, M. Benoit. Development and validation of a 3D RBF-spectral model for coastal wave simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 378 : 278–302, 2019. 

N. Abascal Zorrilla, V. Vantrepotte, D. Dinh Ngoc, N. Huybrechts, A. Gardel. Automated SWIR based empirical sun glint correction of Landsat 8-OLI data over coastal water. Optic Express. Vol. 27,Issue 8,pp. A294-A318, 2019.

P. Santoro, M. Fossati, P. Tassi, N. Huybrechts, D. Pham Van Bang, I. Piedra-Cueva. Effect of self-weight consolidation on a hydro-sedimentological model for the Río de la Plata estuary. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2019.


N. Abascal Zorrilla, V. Vantrepotte, E. Gensac, N. Huybrechts, A. Gardel. The advantages of Landsat 8-OLI-Derived SPM maps for monitoring the subtidal extension of Amazonian coastal mud banks (French Guiana). Remote Sensing (10),1733, doi:10.3390/rs10111733, 2018.

V. Laborie, N Goutal, S Ricci, M De Lozzo, P Sergent. Uncertainty Quantification for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D. Advances in Hydroinformatics, 205-219. 2018.

C. Lemos, F. Floc’h, M. Yates, N. Le Dantec, V. Marieu, K. Hamon, V. Cuq, S. Suanez, C. Delacourt. Equilibrium modeling of the beach profile on a macrotidal embayed low tide terrace beach. Ocean Dynamics, 68 :1207–1220, 2018. 

C. Raoult, M. Yates, M. Benoit. Development and validation of a 3D RBF-spectral model for coastal wave simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2018.11.002, 2018.

M. Benoit, C. Raoult, M. Yates. Analysis of the linear version of a highly dispersive potential water wave model using a spectral approach in the vertical. Wave Motion, 74C :159–181, 2017.

F. Linde, A. Ouahsine, N. Huybrechts, P. Sergent. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of ship resistance in restricted waterways: Effect of ship sinkage and channel restriction, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 143 (1), 06016003, 2017.

S. Orseau, S. Lesourd, N. Huybrechts, A. Gardel. Hydro-sedimentary processes of a tropical estuary under Amazon inuence. The case of the Mahury estuary (French Guiana). Estuarine, coastal and shelf Sciences. Volume 189, 5, pp 252-266, 2017.

L. Ross, A. Valle-Levinson, A. Sottolichio, N. Huybrechts. Lateral variability of subtidal flow at the mid-reaches of a macrotidal estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research : oceans,122 (9), pp. 7651-7673, 2017. 

P. Santoro, M. Fossati, P. Tassi, N. Huybrechts, D. Pham Van Bang, J.C.I. Piedra-Cueva. A coupled wave-current-sediment transport model for an estuarine system: Application to the Río de la Plata and Montevideo Bay. Applied Mathematical Modelling, doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.07.004. (1), p. 5-27, doi 10.1111/1095-9270.12277 Impact factor 0,334 - BDI JCR 

Team manager
Nicolas Huybrechts
Team members
Vanessya Laborie
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RHITME : Hydraulic Risks and Environmental Impacts at the Land-Sea Interface

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