18 May 2021
Carte des façades maritimes françaises
The webinar organized by the Ministry of the Sea in partnership with Cerema and IOC-UNESCO was held on May 5, 2021 around two components: The presentation of the planning as it is implemented in other European countries: Netherlands, Sweden and England and a look at the French experience through the lens of the themes structuring the work of MSPglobal.

logo de MSP globalThis webinar was held as the first strategic planning cycle in France cycle is coming to an end and a new cycle is is entering its preparatory phase.

It therefore appeared interesting to to compare the French vision with the maritime with the maritime planning strategies implemented by three of its of its European neighbors: the Netherlands, Sweden and England. It then continued with testimonies of the French experience around five five main themes:

  • The articulation inter-institutional ;

  • The Blue Economy;

  • The ecosystem approach ;

  • The knowledge, techniques, data and products to support the development of strategic façade documents ;

  • Participation and communication to stakeholders and stakeholders and the public.

This event brought together 150 people, including about 20 foreign participants, who were able to express themselves freely through interactive polls and direct exchanges with the various speakers.