Vue de Toulon
Vue de Toulon
©Terra - Arnaud Boissou
Purpose of the initiative

In order to adapt its area to climate change, and in the framework of its Gemapi and erosion control, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée metropolis wishes to adopt a real strategy for the management of its coastline which will focus on the long-term evolution of the coastline, while guiding development and management choices right now.

The Toulon Provence Méditerranée metropolis brings together 12 municipalities and 437,460 inhabitants (42% of the population of the Var) on an area of 366 km2. The metropolis is in charge of a large number of competences related to the coast (Gemapi, PAPI, Bay Contract, PLUi...).

Client/partner Needs
  • How to anticipate the the hydrosedimentary functioning of the coastline of the metropolitan area?
  • How to identify and prioritize vulnerable sectors?
  • What solutions and management methods should be to adapt to climate change?
Logo Toulon Métropole
Cerema's solution

1 - Cerema's action

Cerema's study program includes 3 complementary missions:

  • the state of the art, diagnosis of the metropolitan coastline,

  • the analysis of the probable evolution of the metropolitan coastline,

  • proposals for solutions to adapt to climate change.

2 - The expected results

Each phase of the study will be the subject of a report, while a final document will take the form of a methodological guide to help for decision making prior to the actions of coastal development. In addition, the GIS data produced will be formatted to be uploaded to the regional platform Mon Littoral. Partners such as the Var Department, the Southern Region or the Conservatoire du Littoral will be able to rely on the deliverables to extend their scope to the department or the region.

3 - Governance

The governance of the project will be based on two bodies: a steering committee and a technical committee.

These bodies will associate :

  • State services (in particular DDTM Var and DREAL PACA),

  • the sea service of the Region SUD PACA,

  • the Direction of the environment of the Var Department,

  • public institutions the Conservatoire du littoral, the Parc national de Port-Cros, the BRGM...

  • representatives of the Syndicat SCOT Provence Méditerranée,

  • representatives of municipalities,

  • representatives of of Toulon Provence Méditerranée,

  • an elected representative within the Commission Environmental protection, sustainable development, Ecological and energy transition.


Toulon Provence Mediterranean Metropolis

18 months
Project pilot

For the Toulon Provence Mediterranean Metropolis Olivier LE NEANNEC -
For the Cerema Céline TRMAL -

157 K€
Download the project factsheet

Toulon Provence Mediterranean Metropolis - Towards a metropolitan strategy for integrated coastal management: development of decision support tools

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