6 October 2020
Sécurité routière à Madagascar - logos Cerema | AFD
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Cerema have just signed a framework contract to strengthen the expertise provided on official development assistance projects supported by France.

This contract will enable AFD to rapidly and flexibly mobilize Cerema's expertise (studies, field missions, workshops, training courses and methodological workshops) in its core areas of expertise, such as territorial engineering, building performance and asset management, mobility and environment, and sea and coastline.

These missions are planned for Africa, the French overseas territories, the Balkans, Turkey and, to a lesser extent, Latin America and Asia.

Cerema and AFD have been working side-by-side for several years on various initiatives, such as those stemming from the Mobilise Your City (MYC) initiative, the Fund for Technical Expertise and Experience Transfers (FEXTE) and one-off cooperation projects, notably urban development projects in Cameroon, Peru and Madagascar.

Cerema will work with AFD to supply studies, carry out field missions and provide training.



This rapprochement between Cerema and AFD is part of AFD's overall partnership dynamic with the French Public Establishments, with which AFD is strengthening its cooperation with the aim of developing more opportunities for the deployment of French expertise abroad.