6 June 2018
Mission du Cerema à Haïti pour le référentiel routier
Cerema conducted a preliminary study in Haiti on the local road network, to enable the Haitian transport ministry to create a highways frame of reference.

With funding from the World Bank, the Haitian Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Communications (MTPTC) called on Cerema to assess the knowledge, tools, and resources that were already available to describe situations on the ground, with a view to creating a highways frame of reference tailored to Haiti.

This preliminary analysis set out to understand the local context of the highways network: current practices and development needs. It took the form of two missions in the field. Due to the structural nature of this tool, we met with central and decentralised departments of the MTPTC, as well as with academic establishments.

This feedback was used to define the challenges of compiling a highways frame of reference, paired with solutions accompanied by technical and economic analyses. These were then presented to the MTPTC which could then select its position, enabling Cerema to draft the technical and financial reference documents used to create the highways frame of reference.

Eventually, the MTPTC will create a highways frame of reference that is tailored to the uses and data identified during this project. Cerema will be available to offer support and monitoring at different stages of its delivery, as and when required.