Optimum recycling of asphalt concrete aggregates in low traffic pavements (ORRAP)

In the Franco-German-Swiss ORRAP project, the possibility of recycling asphalt aggregates as a foundation layer for low-traffic pavement structures is being studied. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of roadwork solutions for low-traffic pavements in the Upper Rhine region, aiming to lead to operational proposals. The project is part of an Interreg programme.

Context, societal issues

The maintenance of the road network is both a consumer of natural resources and a producer of «waste» in the form of asphalt aggregates (AE).

Indeed, while noble AEs are massively reused in hot recycling for the manufacture of new asphalt mixes, AES of lower quality (mainly from secondary networks) or contaminated with PAHs cannot currently be reused for legislative or technical reasons.

Objectives, scientific problem

The objective of the study is to examine the possibility of using AEs, cold, as a foundation layer, for pavements with low heavy-vehicle traffic instead of granular materials (GNT).

Approach, steps

The study comprises four main steps:

  • Analysis of practices and legal frameworks based on bibliography and interviews in order to specify the target of the study;

  • Study of AE properties in laboratories (compactability, rutting resistance, mechanical behaviour…) for the purpose of modelling;

  • A full-scale experiment (in Switzerland);

  • A study of the opportunity and of the technical, environmental and economic impact of the method.


A technical guide will detail the conditions and recommendations for implementation. It may be accompanied by instructions on the adaptation of sizing methods to take this new type of structure into account.

Specific contribution of Cerema

Cerema Est brings its expertise to:

  1. Analysis of the legal framework in France;

  2. Characterisation of asphalt aggregates and their parametric study in the laboratory;

  3. The technical, economic and environmental study and the choice of solution;

  4. The study of the technique's deployment in the Alsace region;

  5. Communication of knowledge (articles, technical information days).

  • INSA Strasbourg (project lead)

  • Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft

  • EMPA

  • Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

Institutional funders:


  • Confédération Suisse

  • Kanton AARGAU

  • Basel Landschaft

Associate partners:

  • BAST

  • Colas

  • Bas-Rhin Departmental Council

  • Haut-Rhin Departmental Council

  • Deutsche AsphaltInstitut

  • LabInfra

  • LandKreis Karlsruhe

  • Regional Verband Mittlerer Oberrhein

  • SARM

  • Südwest Asphalt

  • Ziegler

R&I challenge
Environmental and health impacts
Natural resource-efficient society

Optimum recycling of asphalt concrete aggregates in low traffic pavements (ORRAP)

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