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Cerema Méditerranée
Pôle d’activités d’Aix-en-Provence 30 avenue Albert Einstein - Amphi des 13 Vents
13593 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3

Date and schedule

From 20 to 21 September 2022
From 10h00 to 17h00


Contact logistique
Odile Pollet

Cerema invites you to participate in the final event of the European Interreg LinkingAlps project, on Tuesday 20 (10h-17h) and Wednesday 21 September (9h30-12h30) 2022 in Aix-en-Provence.

This event is proposed to you in a hybrid format, on site and remote.

This cross-border cooperation project financed by Interreg Alpine Space aims to offer travellers the most pertinent door-to-door journey planning service by combining the results of the various existing regional calculators and route proposals. The traveller thus consults only one interface. The aim is to encourage travellers to use public transport by offering them an "integrated" service for a low-carbon Alpine space. This project, based on linking of services, is a continuation of the Linking Danube project.

We will present our project outcomes and give you insights about our technical and organisational achievements, the European OJP (Open Journey Planner) Framework and how you can be a part of the LinkingAlps network.

Mobility stakeholders and transport organisers, let's exchange around this project with its novel approach, highlighting the importance of the LinkingAlps project in the regional public transport development and how LinkingAlps is supporting and contributing to the regional strategy towards MaaS.



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